
  • House savings :

All tax payers under 40  will benefit from higher levels of deduction from 1.344 € against 672 € previously.


  • House mortgage loan :

The level of deductibility of house mortgage loan has been increased. The level has been set at 2.000 € for the six first years, to 1.500€ for the next five years and to 1.000€ for the next years.


  • Primary residence :

The rental value for primary residence has been abolished.


  • Sale of real-estate

The real-estate capital gains are now taxable at a quarter of normal tax rate for sales until the 31th december 2017.


  • IEBT

The IEBT (Impôt d’équilibrage budgétaire temporaire) of 0,5 % has been abolished.


  • CIS / CIP

The salaries tax credit (CIS) and the pensioner tax credit (CIP) has been index with the annual revenue of the taxpayer.

For annual revenues between 936 € and 11.265 €, the CIS and the CIP have been increased from 300 € to 600 € per year.

For annual revenues between 11.265 € and 40.000 €, the CIS and the CIP have been fixed at 600 € per year.

For annual revenues between 40.000 € and 80.000 €, the CIS and the CIP have been decreased from 600 € to 0 € per year.


  • CIM

The credit tax single parent (CIM) has been also index with the annual revenue of the taxpayer.

For annual revenues between 0 € and 35.000 € par an, the CIM has been fixed at  1.500 € per year.

For annual revenues between 35.000 € and 105.000 €, the CIM has been decreased from 1.500 € to 750 € per year.